Because Emma was so diligent about correspondence with her European cousins, she received many marriage announcements and death notices.
- Marie-Leonie de Plan De Sieyes to Count Normand de Bretteville on July 24, 1909
- Frederique de Poliniere (daughter of Emma’s cousin) to Count de Marliave on October 12, 1911.
- Mathilde de Poliniere to Jean des Francs on September 3, 1917. (As this wedding took place during WW I the groom is identified also as a “cannoniere” in the 34th section of the 75th “auto-cannons.”
- Marquis de Marliave to Yvonne de Quinsonsas on August 5, 1937.
- Andre de Combarieu to Claude Thibault de Menonville, August 5, 1961. Includes Emma’s draft reply to her cousin, Henriette Dubarle.
- Miss Fanny Clothilde Virginie De Boom, died December 8, 1881 in Denderleeuw.
- Leon Henri Roman, the Count de Larencel, August 17, 1887.
- Virginie Van Droogenbroeck, widow of Albert De Boom, April 7, 1894 in Denderhautem.
- Nancy Louise Dorethee Marsily, widow of Mr. Ch Christiansen, April 3, 1894.
- Marie Henriette, Leonie de Laurencel, the Countess de Plan de Sieves, March 2, 1901.
- Emma Gerhardi Marsily (Emma’s grandmother). Born in Brussels March 9, 1825 and died in Antwerp February 3, 1905. Widow of William Jean Noe Marsily.